Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tag Your Pics

This is a really late post, but I still wanted to share it anyway.  I made these this past holiday season.  These are all pictures that I've took, I doctored them up a little using pic monkey, and made them into gift tags.  This was my alternative to traditional holiday cards.  I added 2-3 on each gift, and it made the wrapping look so much more festive!  I went a little crazy making these, I still have a lot left over.  I figured that since not all of them are holiday pictures, I can use them throughout the year for different things.  It was very simple, I had them printed up as wallet sized at Costco, so you get 4 on a sheet.  Very practical on the wallet! 

I love the creativity that people come up with for their holiday cards, I got a lot of great ones this year!  Do you make holiday cards?  How do you keep it fresh and fun?


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♥Loves Happy Hour♥