Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Live ALOHA!! 
Postcards from the edge! 
Send some ALOHA!

This pic was taking on the shores of the island of Molokai! There's something about the simplicity of a lone coconut tree high up in the powdery blue sky, that can convey a beautiful feeling!

A greeting, salutation or farewell is the common use of this word, but it is so much more than that! It's a way of life! A code in which we live by!  We practice it everyday, whether it be at home showing your family how much you love them, at work lending a coworker a hand, giving your friend some advice, helping someone out at the grocery store, these are all ways of practicing Aloha! Going out of your way to do something for someone else without expecting anything in return.  If everyone could spread a little Aloha everywhere that go, the world would be such a better place! Give the gift of Aloha! 

Now available in the shop! This is a postcard, the back is blank so you can write your own special greeting.   Send some Aloha via snail mail! It could also be used for scrapbooking or decoration!

Happy Hump Day!
Cheers and Aloha!


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♥Loves Happy Hour♥