Friday, March 8, 2013

52 Lists Week 7

Catching up on my lists for Moorea Seal's 52 lists project.  Week 7: List the things that make you feel healthy: mind, body & soul

I 'll admit that I have a little love affair with food, and I am a bit of a junk food junkie, and I am trying very hard to change a lot of bad habits!  Believe me it's no easy task!!  Even though, I've always played sports and somewhat stays active, I have never been a real healthy eater! Within the last couple of years, I have made strides to improve my eating and workout habits.  Yes, there are times that I fall far off the wagon, but I always find a way to pick myself up again and start over.  The one thing that I have learned is that I don't want to keep starting over! Ugh! It sucks! This time, I promised myself, that I will not quit.  That's the only answer!!  I have nothing to blame but myself.  Now days, I try to stay active and motivated.  No matter how big or small, I try to do something.  Making this list, really helps me realize what things I'm comfortable with and what things I'm not.  
Here's my list:
-acai bowls
-eating healthy
-jumping in the ocean
-fresh air
-long walk
-getting hari done
-exfoliating skin

Have a nice weekend!

White Sandy Beach
Bruddah Iz
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  1. Thanks for sharing this I am starting the 52 list project today it is such a good idea!

    1. Awesome!! It's been very liberating for me!! I will surely check out your list!! Good luck!!


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